So you have been studying all week and you want to know how much information you have retained and what you need to focus on for this last night of studying. Well the easiest way is to take the information that you have been studying and create a practice test. If you are having a major exam you may have to do several small tests but either way you want to create a test or have someone create a test that you can take to see what you have learned and what you have left to learn.
How do I create a practice test?
Well the first thing you want to do is gather up everything that you should know for your exam.
Let's say we needed to learn the capital for all 50 states you could create a practice test that matches the state with the capital:
1. Tennessee a.Olympia
2. Kansas b.Carson City
3. Washington c. Nashville
4. Nevada d. Salt Lake City
5. Utah e. Topeka
In the test above you would match the City and States of course this is just a small sample of what the practice test would look like but provides you with an example.
We hope that all of the tips provided this week has helped you to achieve great grades on your finals.
Nashville Learning Center
615-450-6NLC (6652)
Happy Studying!!!!!
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