Sunday, December 14, 2014

Location, Location, Location

As you start to prepare for your exams it is imperative that you ask yourself a few questions so we have listed those below in hopes that you can answer yes to them all. If so you have a proper location for studying if not you have some work to do before you can focus on studying for exams.

Do you have all of the materials that you need in order to study for the exam that you are preparing for?

Be sure that your location has all of your textbooks, notebooks, handouts, worksheets, paper, pencils, pens, calculator, computer, dictionary and thesaurus and any other type of material that you may need available and handy. This way once you sit down to begin working you will have everything at arms length and no need to interrupt your study process.

Will this location be available to you any time that you need it?

If you are using an area in which you must share the space for instance if you share a bedroom with a sibling or even study in a room that the rest of your family uses like the kitchen it may not be the best option for you. If this is the only space available to study make out a schedule so that your family is aware of the times in which you will need the space and so it's available to you during those times. It would be terrible to be in the middle of a study session and your sister comes home with five friends who want to hang out in your room.

Is this location quiet and free of disturbances?

As much as we believe that we can study under any conditions it is not possible. It is OK to have a little quiet music playing and it may even be OK for you to have a little white noise from the television but you do not want a full on concert going on while you are trying to study. You want to make sure that your study area is quiet and free of disturbances allowing you to have uninterrupted study time. If necessary put up a STUDYING DO NOT DISTURB sign so your family is aware that you need peace and quiet.

Are the following conditions being met?

enough lighting
proper lighting
comfortable temperature
comfortable seating
enough space

If you have all of the above in place you have a great location for studying. 

For more tips like these contact Nashville Learning Center:

Happy Studying!!!!!

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