One of the many problems that keeps students from maintaining academic success is their inability to stay organized. Most students think they are organized however, we often find that when we request something of them they are not capable of producing what we need. So in working with our students on academic resolutions we like to help them get organized and will provide you with some ways to do so as well.
Have you ever sat in a meeting with a teacher or read an email from a teacher that said something similar to any of these?
......Mary is a joy to have in class and has a great personality however she is not submitting her assignments on time.
....... It is such a pleasure to have Jacob in my class this year. He is always willing to help his classmates out and volunteers consistently but he has several missing assignments.
........ I just wanted you to know that Ashley has 10 assignments that she has not turned in.
Well usually these types of students are really good students and they mean well however they are unorganized and can never seem to get assignments turned in on time or at all even when they have completed the assignments.
If you get a message like any of the ones above it is best to do the following:
- remain calm
- ask the student for their backpack - usually you will find a complete mess so be prepared (and you may find those missing assignments)
- if the backpack is not the issue go to the school and check the locker or for younger students check their desks again this is where you will probably find a big mess and some if not all of their assignments.
- develop a plan to help get and them organized
There are many occasions in which the teacher may ask that the student maintain a separate folder or binder for their individual classes for some students this works but for students who have organization issues this is the worse thing that we can ask them to do. For unorganized students it is easier for them to have a main binder with all subjects in that binder that way everything stays in one place. If you know that your child has an issue with staying organized talk to the teacher and let them know that it is necessary for your child to have the one binder and if they need to submit something to the teacher they have a binder that they can transfer notes or assignments to in their locker or desk for that particular reason. If the individual binders are unavoidable just make sure they are clearly labeled on the spine and cover so that the student can grab and go.
Make sure that the binders have tabs. If they are using one binder for each subject use the tabs to label which subjects they have in the order in which they attend the courses. Also include a section for notes and assignments behind each tab. Here's an example:
One binder for all subjects! |
Multiple binders with one subject per binder or a method to label tabs behind each subject tab if using one binder |
If you can assist with getting them organized this will lead to better results ultimately leading to better grades.
Now Let's Get Organized!!!!
Nashville Learning Center
615-450-6NLC (6652)
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