Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Children and Internet Usage

On average 76% of students use the internet three to four times per week. Children use the Internet in several different ways and for several different reasons according to their ages so it is imperative as parents that we monitor their internet usage at all times. Nowadays children as young as three are utilizing computers but usually they are around eight before they start to navigate the computer independently. Parents must however know why they are surfing the internet because unlike adults who usually surf the internet for work or when researching how to do something kids usually surf the internet for entertainment purposes.

Parents typically know how their kids are surfing the internet but it is necessary to remember that kids can surf the internet in places outside of home. They surf at school, at the library, friend's homes, and after school programs so you need to know who allows them to access the internet and what their rules are.

We always hear of people discussing the ways that the internet usage can have negative effects on children but we wanted to discuss some of  the positive effects as well.

Childhood is all about getting use to and getting to know the world around us and in this technological society we live in that exploration occurs on the internet as well. The internet if used properly can enhance a child's cognitive - memory, spatial and logical problem solving, critical thinking, concentration, and comprehension; social - via social interaction; and physical skills - hand, eye coordination and fine motor skills. It allow them to socialize, communicate, learn, work, and play.

So when you think about internet usage and children just know that it is a great thing as long as you monitor the usage at all times.

Happy Surfing

Nashville Learning Center
615-450-6NLC (6652)


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