Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New You?

So we made it to the new year. It's now 2015 so what should you do? Most people are spending the first few days of 2015 recouperating from their activities of the last few days of 2014 and because it is the weekend most people will relax and not start working towards any resolution until "Monday". 

So what's your plan? Will you start now or wait until Monday? If you wait until Monday will you REALLY start at that point?

As parents we must be an example for our children so if we have set resolutions with them we want them to get started today. Now I know the kids are not back in school yet so you're asking "How do I start on academic goals when they are not in school?" Well it's all about the prep. Go out and replenish school supplies that they have run out of since the beginning of the school year. 

Once you have all of the supplies that they need get organized this includes getting binders set-up with tabs, getting folders labeled for classes, getting supplies in a proper location (i.e. Pencil case or box), and getting their agenda/calendar out and getting them in the habit of using it now. For instance, label bedtimes, study times, and the times in which they are to wake up as well as any after school activities and any activities you plan to do before they return to school. This will help in getting them in the habit of being organized and using their resources. 

Now the biggest and most important thing that you need to do is stay on top of them. It takes 30 days to form a habit so make sure that they are keeping this up for the next thirty days. 

Stay tuned for our next series of tips on How to Make Better Math Grades.

Nashville Learning Center


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