Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What's happening with the grading scale?

Growing up we had a 7-point grading scale so grades were determined using the following scale:
100 - 93 A
92 - 84 B
83 - 75 C
74 - 66 D
65 and below F

However upon entering college I was made aware of a 10-point grading scale:
100 - 90 A
89 - 80 B
79 - 70 C
69 - 60 D
59 and below F

Both of these scales make it pretty easy to figure out your grade and where you stand. These days the problem is not the calculation of the grades but how the grades are generated.

There was a time when you would receive grades for homework, quizzes, tests, exams, classwork, and projects. However, living in this society of ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENT the grades are comprised of mostly test scores known as knowledge grades. In knowledge based assessment grades:
  • Students who complete all their practice work (homework) can retest
  • Students whose quarter percentages fall below a 50% will be adjusted to a 50% to give struggling students a better chance at passing a class
  • Students are not awarded extra credit 
  • Students’ tests, quizzes and projects make up 90% of their knowledge grade, while practice work comprises only 10%
So what can you do as a parent?
Make certain that you are in constant communication with the teacher seeking knowledge on what is being covered in the class and where your child stands with the skills they have been tested on.

Nashville Learning Center
615-450-6NLC (6652)


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