Most scholarships will ask you to provide them with references or recommendations. Some will state who these people should be and some will not. If it is not specified them you can ask anyone you want including your favorite teacher, a supervisor if you work or have worked during high school, a pastor or church leader, a long time family friend, or a guidance counselor. Make sure these references have a copy of your resume or a write up on who you are and what you do academically and outside of school as well as what you want to do and what you are good at. If the letter does not specify the scholarship you can use it for several different ones however in this age of technology a lot of scholarships require your references to complete a recommendation form online. Either way make sure they have all of the information early and that they are aware of the deadlines. It is also best to check with them two weeks out to make sure they have completed the recommendation or to warn them that time is running out so that they will take care of it as soon as possible.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
How to Get College Scholarships Tip 2
Choose and Prepare Your References
Most scholarships will ask you to provide them with references or recommendations. Some will state who these people should be and some will not. If it is not specified them you can ask anyone you want including your favorite teacher, a supervisor if you work or have worked during high school, a pastor or church leader, a long time family friend, or a guidance counselor. Make sure these references have a copy of your resume or a write up on who you are and what you do academically and outside of school as well as what you want to do and what you are good at. If the letter does not specify the scholarship you can use it for several different ones however in this age of technology a lot of scholarships require your references to complete a recommendation form online. Either way make sure they have all of the information early and that they are aware of the deadlines. It is also best to check with them two weeks out to make sure they have completed the recommendation or to warn them that time is running out so that they will take care of it as soon as possible.
Most scholarships will ask you to provide them with references or recommendations. Some will state who these people should be and some will not. If it is not specified them you can ask anyone you want including your favorite teacher, a supervisor if you work or have worked during high school, a pastor or church leader, a long time family friend, or a guidance counselor. Make sure these references have a copy of your resume or a write up on who you are and what you do academically and outside of school as well as what you want to do and what you are good at. If the letter does not specify the scholarship you can use it for several different ones however in this age of technology a lot of scholarships require your references to complete a recommendation form online. Either way make sure they have all of the information early and that they are aware of the deadlines. It is also best to check with them two weeks out to make sure they have completed the recommendation or to warn them that time is running out so that they will take care of it as soon as possible.
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